Our local boys and girls club is located within a block from our facility in Mooresville, Indiana. The boys and girls club is an organization that provides the local youth with guidance and mentoring, helping youth learn skills, positive decision making, and participate in activities such as sports, science, technology, and more.
This is something that we care deeply about, as the younger generation is our most valuable resource, this is especially true for small businesses. The club has brought their youth, mostly the teenage members, to our facility to learn more about manufacturing and provide them with the knowledge of alternative career paths. This is something that we really enjoyed, and is only a small contribution that we were honored to be part of.
As mentioned above, the youth is a crucial part of every business. It is important to support local education centers and offer opportunities for the students to learn about your business. This is something that both the kids and adults enjoy being a part of. We have learned over the years that a majority of teens do not know about manufacturing and the opportunities it can provide them. It is important for us to ensure they understand the necessity of manufacturing, even as the world advances technologically.
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Site created and maintained by A.J. Brandenburg